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경희대학교 이과대학 생물학과  로고 경희대학교 이과대학 생물학과  로고


최첨단 연구와 교육이 이루어지는 Eng Graduate School 이과대학 생물학과 홈페이지 입니다.


Graduate School

서브 컨텐츠

서브 컨텐츠

The mission of the Department of Biology in the Graduate School of Kyung Hee University is to replace mysteries in the living world with understanding. Every piece of discovery and understanding of life leads us to a new world of development in which the sum of our efforts provides the fundamentals of human well-being via diverse human technologies. The department provides a curriculum at the leading edge to support first-rate graduate students at all levels. Directors of fourteen research laboratories in the department have actively participated in many national and public research projects. Recently, the department developed a road map to establish the most competitive and specialized research consortium in the area of biomedical sciences. We are about to establish new traditions in biomedical sciences including neuroscience, oncology, microbial infections, bioinformatics, and systems biology.

Advanced Animal Growth Biology, Advanced Cell Biology, Advanced Economic Botany, Ecological Modeling, Extremophiles, Developmental Neurobiology, Environmental Philosophy, Advanced Human Genomics, Advanced Neuroscience, Advanced in Predictive toxicology, Seminar in System Biology, Advanced Applied Microbiology, Advanced Molecular Oncology, Advanced course in Signal Transduction, Reproductive Biology of Flowering Plants, Community Ecology, Advanced Developmental Biology, Seminar in Functional Genomics, Synapse Function, Environmental System Toxicology Seminar, Population Ecology, Insect Behaviour, Seminar in Bioinformatics, Microbiomics, Comparative Animal Physiology, Reviews in Current Biology, Advanced Plant Systematics I, Ecological Informatics, Advanced Microbial Genetics, Advanced Molecular Neurobiology I, Ecology and Cultural Contents, Seminar in Statistical   Genetics, Recent Advances in   Neuroscience, Advanced in modern toxicology, Advanced Evolutionary Biology, Advanced Cancer Genomics, Host-Microbe Interaction, Advanced Endocrinology, Current Signal Transduction, Palynology, Ecosystem assessment and management, Socioecology, Behavioral Neuroscience, Wildelife Management, Seminar in Molecular Neurobiology, Seminar in Computational   Genomics, Ecotoxicity and Chemicals, Advanced Medical Genetics, Viral Metagenomics, Field Studies of Land Plants, Advanced Virology, Viral Pathogenesis, Advanced Animal Ecology, Behavioral Ecology, Current Biology Seminar, Protein Homeostasis, Applied Microbiology, Scientific Writing in English, Nutrient cycling in ecosystem, Reviews in Current BiologyII, Advanced Molecular Biology, Molecular Microbiology, Advanced Bacteriology, Bacterial Pathogenesis, Advanced Biostatistics, Advanced Biochemistry, Research in Plant Systematics, Advanced Plant Anatomy, Ecological Genetics.

서울특별시 동대문구 경희대로 26 경희대학교 스페이스 21 이과대학동 101호 생물학과
TEL) 02. 961. 0244 / E-mail) biology1@khu.ac.kr