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경희대학교 이과대학 생물학과  로고 경희대학교 이과대학 생물학과  로고


최첨단 연구와 교육이 이루어지는 이과대학 생물학과 홈페이지 Biology at KHU 입니다.


Biology at KHU

서브 컨텐츠

서브 컨텐츠

The Department of Biology was founded in 1955 and has produced over 1,900 graduates who are actively involved in academia, public services, and industrial society. Currently, there are fifteen faculty members in the department and they have studied the highest level in the area of biology in Germany, the U.S., England, Sweden, Australia, and France. They maintain distinguished expertise in teaching and research and offer top quality education in biological sciences ranging from molecular biology to ecology. The department is well equipped to give you practical experience with state-of-the-art technique in molecular cell biology, genetics, ecology, neurobiology, evolutionary biology, microbiology, virology, plant biology, developmental biology, immunology, toxicology, computational biology and many related fields of research. The department offers various experiment courses and bio big data programming courses. Especially, students are encouraged to identify their own research topics of interest and to delve deeper into biological questions under the guidance of a supervising professor by participating in Internship or Independent Learning & Research courses.

Year 1

Calculus and Recitation 1, Calculus and Recitation 2, Physics and Laboratory 1, Physics and Laboratory 2, Biology and Laboratory 1, Biology and Laboratory 2, Chemistry and Laboratory 1, Chemistry and Laboratory 2


Year 2

Systematics, Basic Studies in Biological Science, Biological Chemistry, Cell Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, Laboratory of Systematics, Biological Statistics, Freshwater Biology, Molecular Biology

Year 3

Ecology, Laboratory of Cell Biology and Toxicology, Laboratory of Microbiology and Immunology, Physiology, Bacteriology, Environmental Toxicology, Laboratory of Ecology, Molecular Cell Biology Immunology, Molecular Neurobiology, Applied Microbiology, Economic Botany, Behavioral Science, Practical Research Study 1,2(Biology), Teaching Unit Analysis, Teaching Logics and Essay (General Science), Capstone Design(Biology), Internship1,2(Biology), System Biology, Independent Learning & Research, Practice of Systems Biology, Epigenetics

Year 4

Laboratory of Neurobiology and Developmental Biology, Microbial Ecology, Virology, Developmental Biology, Bioinformatics, Endocrinology, Biotechnology, Behavioral Neuroscience, Lesson Plan for Teaching Materials, Laboratory of Bioinformatics, Evolutionary Biology, Insect Ecology

서울특별시 동대문구 경희대로 26 경희대학교 스페이스 21 이과대학동 101호 생물학과
TEL) 02. 961. 0244 / E-mail) biology1@khu.ac.kr